
Give Yourself a Gift  ~ Give Others a Gift


  • Climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro:  A Journey of Four
    An adventure of body-soul-spirit integration- while training and climbing the highest free standing mountain in the world. A story about  living congruent  and empowered from the inside out. Learn about the secret carried to the summit. 32 pgs. colored photos.

    Climbing Mt Kilimanjaro

      • Great Wall Marathon:  Becoming a Wall Warrior
        Four great stories in one: The Public Story, His Story, Her Story, and The Spiritual Journey. Read and view this once in a life time adventure that lets you in on the “stories behind the story” that are humorous and spiritually inspiring.  44 pgs. colored photos.

China Great Wall Marathon

      • Divine Dance: Seven Steps to a Closer Relationship with God
        Stories from the heart to Ignite you in remembering and recording stories of your faith journey. Divine Dance integrates psychology with theology to help the reader achieve emotional healing, and a close, loving relationship with God. It includes practical teachings, journal writing exercises, and group discussion guidelines. Can be used by individuals, families, church groups, counseling centers, and spiritual direction training programs. 142 pgs., pictures interspersed.

Divine Dance:Seven Steps to a Closer Relationship with God

      • Writing to the Heart of God: Writing is Healing Workbook Screen Shot 2016-01-08 at 5.09.49 PM Tools and practice guidelines to increase intimacy with God: Finding God’s Address; Practicing Finding God; Difficulties/Blocks; Tips to Maintain Closeness with God.   $30








      • Screen Shot 2016-01-08 at 4.27.03 PMWriting Is Healing:  Stories of Transformation (See Companion Video Below)  Journey with eight people who discovered the invaluable tool of writing that transformed their lives.They share the pain that was the catalyst for writing, their struggles. and their inspiring transformation and healing process.  $30






  • Button, Button  (Book With Workbook Pages)Screen Shot 2016-01-08 at 5.09.58 PM.  A story of writing, imagination, and drawing that resulted in surprising personal transformation. Includes workbook pages to guide you in your transformation process.  $20








  • Screen Shot 2016-01-08 at 4.41.07 PMListening and Following Without Knowing the Outcome.  Inspiring stories of faith and the goodness of God to pass on.  Stories about hearing the “Still Small Voice ” of God whose words create and have transformed the author’s life and relationships.  $25



Videos :

      • Screen Shot 2015-11-17 at 12.44.15 PMWriting is Healing: Stories of Transformation  (Companion Video to Book Listed Above)









      • DVD case cover v1“Writing is Healing: Mending the Past” Interview with Margo Guiness, Holocaust Survivor (Video).    $30








Contact Dr. Nancy Anderson to schedule or customize a workshop for your group.